
If you haven’t yet heard of blockchain, you must have been living under a rock. The buzz has been building since Bitcoin’s creation, but it has really hit its stride in the last few years. With the rise of crypto-currency and smart contracts, blockchain app development has exploded in popularity and demand in recent months.

Why Blockchain App Development is Taking Over the World

Why Choose Progmattic AI for your Blockchain App Development?

What does this mean? It means that not only do experts need to be employed to develop these apps but that consumers are demanding them more and more—and will continue to demand them moving forward as well.

It has been in the news for some time now and it’s still on the hype train. The hype train doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon as more businesses are diving head-first into blockchain app development. These days, businesses, small and large, are turning their attention to this technology in order to stay relevant in the fast-paced and competitive digital world we live in today. That is why it’s important to understand what blockchain technology actually is and why so many businesses are investing millions of dollars into it.

Choosing a company to develop your blockchain app can be a daunting task. Who do you trust? What experience do they have? What type of business model are they based on? With so many choices, how do you know which one will work best for you and your needs? We're Progmattic AI, and we specialize in developing custom apps for both the blockchain and non-blockchain worlds. Let's take a look at some reasons why we're your best option for blockchain app development.


We are providing these custom app services:

Custom Blockchain Development Solutions

Blockchain technology has quickly become one of the most talked about technologies in recent history. With uses ranging from financial transfers to supply chain management, this new technology has many people asking What is a blockchain? and how can I benefit from it? The answers to these questions may be more straightforward than you think! There are many options when it comes to taking part in the world’s first distributed ledger database. You can use services such as Ethereum or Hyperledger, or create your own decentralized application using a programming language like Solidity on the Ethereum platform. Whatever option you choose, there's no denying that businesses will eventually have to adapt to the ways of this brave new world where transparency and decentralization reign supreme.

Blockchain Security

Blockchain offers enhanced security through decentralization, which means there are no servers to be hacked. The blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, linked and secured using cryptography. These blocks hold batches of transactions that are verified by miners. To hack the blockchain you would need to alter every copy on every computer on the network at precisely the same time without being noticed. In other words, it's extremely difficult and near impossible.


The Ethereum blockchain is used as a public ledger for these smart contracts. Once this new set of rules has been written, it can be executed and validated by all computers on the network. The result is that there’s no need for third-party interference or reliance on centralized control of data. Blockchains are operated in an open-source environment, so changes to any aspect of the software will immediately be visible to everyone in the system. No entity owns or controls the infrastructure so there's no single point of failure in a decentralized application (DApp).

Bitcoin / BTC

Bitcoin is a type of electronic currency that is created and stored.No one controls it. Bitcoins aren't printed like dollars or euros; they're created by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all over the world and solving mathematical problems with software. The bitcoin network deals with this by collecting all new bitcoins together every 10 minutes and then spreading them out over the network. There's an upper limit on how many bitcoins can exist at any given time: 21 million bitcoins total, 16 million of which have been mined so far. As a result, there's always less than two hundred thousand bitcoins in circulation on any given day--not enough for everyone to own one, as you might want if you were planning to hold some kind of long-term investment.

Cryptocurrency Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet, or digital currency wallet, stores the public and private keys or addresses which can be used to receive or spend the underlying currency. These are usually in the form of a QR code that can be scanned by a smartphone. The two different types of wallets are online and offline. They have different levels of security, with online wallets having less security as they are connected to an open network such as the internet. Offline wallets have their own challenges in terms of security.

Virtual Card

Blockchain's distributed ledger can maintain a continuously growing list of data records in blocks. It's an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record anything of value. The software encrypts each block and stores them on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, which provides better security than keeping records in one centralized location like a bank. As the chain grows it gets harder to tamper with or hack into it without leaving a trace. That’s why blockchain technology is becoming more common for authenticating digital information such as signatures, contracts, and votes.

Multi-Currency Wallets

Multi-currency wallets allow users to store and transact in different currencies, which makes it easier for international payments. They are also a popular tool for storing other types of digital assets such as cryptocurrencies. Blockchain app development companies can help you create your own multi-currency wallet application with features that suit your needs.

The Advantages of Blockchain Technology

In 2017, blockchain startups raised more money than those from traditional industries, and companies continue to take notice. As consumers start to demand more transparency and accountability in their transactions, this innovative technology will continue to grow. A blockchain is a type of distributed ledger that provides a decentralized record of digital transactions across many computers in such a way that the registered transaction cannot be altered retroactively without affecting all subsequent blocks and without the network majority's agreement. It has been primarily used as a public ledger for bitcoin transactions.


In the previous few years, blockchain technology has generated a great deal of attention from businesses and industries across the world. From start-ups to enterprises, everyone is now looking for a blockchain custom app development company for their projects. Here are some of the factors that contribute to this trend:

  • Blockchain technology is the future.
  • It is the most secure way to conduct business transactions.
  • Blockchain custom app development company can help you build a blockchain application.
  • You can use it to store data and information.

The most popular use of Ethereum so far has been to create initial coin offerings (ICOs). In 2017 alone, ICOs raised over $2 billion in funding. One of the major advantages of using Ethereum is that it helps protect against fraud because there’s a set number of tokens available when you purchase them. You also don't have to worry about government regulations on cryptocurrencies like you do with standard currencies. With all of these benefits, we know why Blockchain custom app Development companies are taking over the world!

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